“O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me.”
HOSEA 14:8
Some of us may get excited about winter—the first snow, Christmas, cozy sweaters, etc. However, winter is often described as a season that is dry or, even, dead. As the flowering plants are vacant and the trees bare, it seems like life has hit pause. Winter is especially unique and difficult to walk into this year because of the months already devoid of community due to the pandemic. This is why the staff at Christian Student Fellowship have written this book for you.
Cultivate has been a common word at CSF this year, and it is our desire for your soul to continue to be fed and grown this winter season. This is where the idea of Evergreen was born. Most of the plants of the earth are devoid of life in the winter, but the Evergreen tree bears it’s beautiful green leaves all year long. Even though the CSF community is apart for two months, the Lord is still pursuing you and seeking to produce good fruit in your life. In Hosea 14:8, God gives his promise of responding and caring for His people—to produce green leaves in our lives even in seasons of dryness.