Living the Story: Seminar 5, “Creation Continued”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 6, “Being & Becoming Human”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 6, “Being & Becoming Human”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 7, “Everything is Broken”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 7, “Everything is Broken”

Weekly Resource(s):

  • “Evil and Soul-Making” from Evil and the God of Love by John Hick
  • “Evil Makes no Sense” from The God I Don’t Understand by Christopher Wright

Pause from our originally scheduled program for some good ol’ soul nourishment.

Living the Story: Seminar 7, “Everything is Broken”

Weekly Resource(s):

  • Chapter 9 (“The Conquest of Evil”) from The Cross of Christ by John Stott

Living the Story: Seminar 8, “The Inbreaking”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 8, “The Inbreaking”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 9, “Last Things First”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 9, “Last Things First”

Weekly Resource(s):

  • Heaven Sermon from Jon Weece @ CSF
  • “Farewell to Shadowlands,” Chapter 16 of The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis

Living the Story: Seminar 10, “The Revolution of Beauty”

Weekly Resource(s):

Living the Story: Seminar 10, “The Revolution of Beauty”

Weekly Resource(s):

Christian Student Fellowship