CSF is looking for 100 Families to help open the doors of the new CSF building
The Dream is Almost a Reality
We’ve always said this isn’t a building campaign. This is a PEOPLE campaign and a new CSF building is a GREAT tool to help us reach more UK students than ever before.
We already need the space! We’re seeing record numbers of students come through various areas of CSF this fall. For instance, we can’t even fit everyone into our worship space on Thursday nights. We need this new building to open ASAP.
Construction is finally complete and we’re so close to moving in. But to do that we need to raise the final dollars to finish out this amazing outreach facility right here in the heart of campus.
We’re looking for 100 families and individuals to help us cross the finish line—to help us create a home for students. Couches in the lobby, chairs for the sanctuary, equipment for the basketball court and basement, furniture for the small group rooms, screens, appliances and more are needed to create a hospitable environment to welcome students in—and you can help make that possible.
Key details are listed below, but we’d love to talk to you if you have questions or interest in being a part of getting this pivotal kingdom project across the finish line. Our CSF Philanthropy Team Member Mike Donohue would love to discuss how you can make an eternal difference in the lives of UK students through your generous partnership.
God is Moving on Campus
This may sound odd at first but please hear us out.
The dream we’re after is NOT seeing students’ lives changed by Jesus. We ALREADY see Him doing that day in and day out. The joy of heaven is present at CSF on campus through worship services, small groups, quiet conversations over coffee, students dedicating their lives to Jesus. It’s incredible what he’s ALREADY doing.
The vision behind this new facility is for EVEN more students to experience the life shaping message of the gospel. New avenues of outreach. More hands raised in worship. More space to prepare even more free meals. More students coming to know Jesus, and being shaped by him.
Make no mistake. This isn’t a building campaign. It’s a people campaign.
What DOES This New Home Do?
The video above shows some of the really unique outreach elements of this new 37,000 square foot facility. This is a building fully and uniquely designed for the express purposes of reaching college students.
It features a large worship space that can seat close to 800 people. Small group bible study rooms are spread throughout for spaces to dive deep into God’s Word together. An industrial kitchen helps us cook the 40,000 free meals we serve students each year. Food was a huge part of Jesus’ ministry and is a huge part of CSF’s ministry as well.
A full-sized basketball court is a unique aspect of the building giving students a place to build friendships and an outreach space to invite friends who aren’t a part of CSF.
There are so many other features that we’d love for you to come and see if you’re ever near the UK campus.
UK Athletics Director Mitch Barnhart and his wife Connie have chaired this fundraising campaign. Hear why they’re excited for the new CSF building.
Take a Look at a Few of These Unique Spaces
“Every Thursday night at Synergy I feel the presence of God, even during difficult school days when I sometimes question if He’s still with me. Worshiping with students just like me is so fulfilling and always gives me the chills.“
“My shift group truly changed my life in so many ways. These girls grew me in my faith more than anything. They sat with me in my darkest times and supported me in my highest. I’ve never had Godly friends in high school, but I’m now happy to say I have a whole community of girls who love me unconditionally. I truly feel like CSF helped me heal and gave me a way to freely be open about my relationship with God.”
“My shift group truly changed my life in so many ways. These girls grew me in my faith more than anything. They sat with me in my darkest times and supported me in my highest. I’ve never had Godly friends in high school, but I’m now happy to say I have a whole community of girls who love me unconditionally. I truly feel like CSF helped me heal and gave me a way to freely be open about my relationship with God.”
“One aspect of the new building I can’t wait for students to experience is the basketball court. It will create a space for students—especially young men who can be so difficult to reach—to find community on campus. I can’t imagine a more exciting outreach tool for inviting guys into CSF.”
“So much of Jesus’ ministry happened around the dinner table. And there’s no better way of reaching college students than a free meal. I can’t wait to see how our new kitchen lets us take hospitality to the next level and invite in so many more students than ever before.”
“So much of Jesus’ ministry happened around the dinner table. And there’s no better way of reaching college students than a free meal. I can’t wait to see how our new kitchen lets us take hospitality to the next level and invite in so many more students than ever before.”


You don’t have to be a zillionaire to help make a difference on campus. A gift of any size helps get us closer to making this kingdom dream become a kingdom reality.
Hundreds of families have given so far. We’ve raised over $17,000,000 to date. (For a breakdown of finances click here.) We have just under $3,000,000 left to raise. We’re looking for 100 families to help us get there.
Would you be a 1% person or family? We’d love for you to prayerfully consider being 1 of the 100 families to stand up and help usher in a new era of ministry to students on campus.
With $3,000,000 left to raise that means the “average” gift/pledge is $30,000. But two important things you should know.
First, any and every gift helps us move closer to the goal. For some people they may feel led to give more than $30,000. That’s incredible! For some people a deeply sacrificial gift will be at another level, maybe $10,000 or $20,000. That’s awesome! It all gets us closer to welcoming students into a new Jesus-centered home on campus.
Second, your gift does not need to be made all at once. It can be a pledge over time, say 2 to 3 years. We’re glad to go over the details with you via phone or email but suffice it to say that your pledge for the future helps us open this building now.
Here’s some exciting news: once the last pledge is secured we can be moved into the new CSF building within about 8-10 weeks.

I’m interested in helping. What now?
Help us fling the doors wide open to reach students here on campus with the good news and good life of Jesus. The timing is key. The time is now. Will you help us reach students at this pivotal moment for gospel ministry to happen on the UK campus? We’d love to talk to you about how you can be involved. Get in touch.

Individuals and families are already joining the cause, making new and increased pledges to help CSF cross the finish line. Take a look our progress below, updated weekly.